Drinking Beer Causes Baldness & Research

Homer Simpson & beer wondering if it causes hair loss.This may seem like an absurd claim by many, but when you look at the indirect effects of drinking alcoholic beverages such as beer described in my previous post here and look up the science proven responsibilities of the liver, I think you will see that this is most likely a cause for baldness. I am not claiming this to be the main reason people are balding, but it can definitely contribute to the problem and is one of many which are creating a cumulative effect on the body.

Of course, it isn’t just beer. Baldness can result from all types of alcohol consumption such as liqueur, wine, etc which will actually have a worst effect because they have higher alcohol content.

Remember what I am about! Beer and other alcoholic drinks will not cause balding directly. It is more of an indirect effect that many people can’t seem to think about. And this is not the always the primary cause for baldness! It can be just one piece of the puzzle that is, along with other reasons collectively causing it.

What I Know So Far About Drinking’s Effects on Baldness

2 beers.If you have read from my About section of this website, I discussed my father and brothers are either bald or becoming bald. To add to that discussion, we have all been big alcohol drinkers. Of course, our hair loss problems are related to genetics, but couldn’t our bad drinking habits be adding more fuel to the fire and causing the problem? Of course it could!

Stats on My Siblings With Hair Loss

Brother Balding in Early 20’s– It is also not surprising that this brother who is a severe alcoholic is the baldest and became bald quicker than either of us 3 siblings.

Brother Balding in Mid 20’s– My other brother also drinks 3 or more beers about 5 days a week but not quite as much as the other. He is partially bald in his mid 20’s.

Myself Balding in Late 20’s– Even though I don’t drink nearly as often and less than my brothers, I still enjoy drinking more than the typical person. Usually I have been limiting my drinking to just the weekend at 2 days per week. My hair didn’t start thinning until 27. Luckily, I researched, tested methods, and have drastically stopped my hair loss with the knowledge I am providing here. At the current moment many would not think I had problems with my hair.

My Hypothesis

It is very likely that a person inheriting bald genes can refrain from drinking, eat healthy, and not end up becoming bald. In addition to people’s theory that genetics is the primarily cause for Male Pattern Baldness, we need to also realize that many people inherit their drinking habits from genes or their parents views on alcohol. After all, we do tend to take after our parents both genetically and socially.

Research: Your Help Needed!

Although I haven’t taken a large survey which would connect the theory of alcohol drinkers being more bald than non-drinkers, the research shows that this can definitely be a large cause to hair loss. Since my stats are only going off of 4 people in my family including me, I would like to hear your comments below.

Just state:

  1. If you are experiencing hair loss or thinning.
  2. What type of drinker you are (not, light, medium, or heavy drinker)
  3. Also your age.

Thank you! Eventually I would like to set up a survey, but this will work for now.


  1. Thomas

    On Oct 26, 2014

    Sorry but your idea is wrong. I rarely ever drink and I’m going bald. My older brother is an alcoholic and not only has a full head of hair he does not have any white hairs. Sad but genetics play a role.

  2. Eric Williams

    On Oct 29, 2014

    @ Thomas – Thank you for the comment but please read the whole post I wrote. I am not stating this to be the main reason for hair loss but could be a contributing factor that damages your liver’s ability to get rid of excess DHT. You can easily damage your liver with processed foods, medications, and many other things we aren’t aware of… There are so many different scenarios and this is just 1 to look at.

    Is your brother blood related? If he is then you would have the same genes and be in the same boat as my claim.

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