Minoxidil for Hair Loss & Does it Work

Minoxidil is a popular hair loss treatment which was originally created by the brand name Rogaine. First I want to quickly explain how it works, and then I will explain if it works.

How Minoxidil Works?

Minoxidil for hair loss treatment.

Minoxidil is just a vasodilator which essentially means it helps the blood vessels widen. This medication’s main effect is to increase blood flow through the blood vessels so your hair follicles are sufficiently feed with nutrients to grow. Science suggests that vasodilators such as Minoxidil don’t necessarily increase the natural width of the blood vessels, but instead help relax the smooth muscles which are constricting the natural size to something smaller.

Does Minoxidil or Rogaine Work?

After experimenting with the Minoxidil pictured above, I have noticed my hair falling out a little bit less, but I did more than simply apply the product. It is not the main thing to use when combating hair loss or regrowing it. I suggest you:

  • Increase its effectiveness– In my ebook, I will show you my simple technique to drastically increase its effectiveness so that it hits your blood vessels near your hair follicles better.
  • Use Minoxidil with other hair loss treatments that I will explain in the ebook so they collectively increase nutrients and oxygen through the blood vessels to your hair.

More Details About Minoxidil…

Minoxidil for hair loss is a liquid product that is usually applied to your head 1 or 2 times a day with a pipette (as show on the right side in the picture). I apply it by slowly squeezing out a drop to different areas of my head at the base of the hair follies. They suggest on 1ml at a time if using 5% minoxidil products which is considered high strength. Originally products were sold with only about 3%.

Apparently, Minoxidil is only meant to be effective for the top region of your head. I don’t know exactly why this is, but I assume it is because most of your larger blood vessels are focused toward the crown of the head.

I believe that it won’t be as effective toward your frontal hair, but I still think it helps a little and when using my technique it will be drastically more effective and worthwhile.

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