Posts Categorized: Hair Loss Blog

Minoxidil Results & Reviews

After experimenting with the Kirkland brand of Minoxidil, which is a generic brand of Rogaine, I have personally seen positive results. But there are some details you should know about my case, because they are likely different than others reading this: I started this only a few months after seeing a drastic amount of hair… Read more

Minoxidil for Hair Loss & Does it Work

Minoxidil is a popular hair loss treatment which was originally created by the brand name Rogaine. First I want to quickly explain how it works, and then I will explain if it works. How Minoxidil Works? Minoxidil is just a vasodilator which essentially means it helps the blood vessels widen. This medication’s main effect is… Read more

Biotin for Hair Loss

Biotin can indeed help with hair loss problems. It is used to support strong nails, skin, and hair. But there is more to know about it before it will actually work for you. Many people may grab a random bottle off the shelf, try it, and have no success. There are 3 things you need… Read more

Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness describes the most typical hair loss problem men have, which is more scientifically known as Androgenic Alopecia. Various sources state that throughout a person’s life, about 70 percent of males will experience this. Some start to experience this in their teenage years and others don’t experience it until they are a senior… Read more

Diagram of Head Arteries for Hair Loss

Throughout my website I will be discussing various connections between the arteries in your head and hair loss. Below is a diagram of the main arteries which deliver the proper nutrients to the hair follicles in your scalp. Disrupting the blood flow from these arteries and the capillaries near the skin can definitely be an… Read more