Is a Bad Nutriton a Likely Cause for Hair Loss?

I have seen people all over the internet say that hair loss is not caused by a bad nutrition and unhealthy eating.

Fruit for a healthy nutrition. The truth is that a body with bad nutrition may not be directly causing Male Pattern Baldness, but it could be an indirect reason. Many people don’t think past the direct reasons and the advice is not very good in my opinion. Healthy eating is key to preventing many problems our bodies are having today including cancer, depression, etc…

To understand how eating healthy can prevent/ stop hair loss or even allow hair to regrow, we need to look how a bad nutrition would indirectly cause problems.

Before I get started, let me state- DHT has been scientifically proven to be one of the main reasons for male pattern baldness. So now we need to look at why so much DHT is being produced or why our hair follicles are more susceptible to DHT later in life. For this article we will discuss the excess of DHT in the body in regards to nutrition and later discuss our hair follicles.


Why is more DHT being produced to begin with?

We already know that DHT is mostly produced from the prostate. One theory is that our bodies through time become less efficient and change in some way that triggers the prostate to produce more DHT.

Is our Prostate Really Producing More DHT?

To go along with the previous question to look at, we need to find out if the body is really actually producing more DHT. Whether the body is or is not actually producing more DHT than normal, another reason is that the organs responsible for regulating hormones can’t do it effectively as before.

Both the liver and kidney’s are organs that remove excess hormones from the blood stream. If these organs become less efficient and have less vital cells, it is very likely that it won’t effectively control the correct balance of hormones.

The body needs many vitamins and minerals found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains in order to regenerate healthy cells. So healthy eating habits can definitely prevent balding or stop it because it will promote healthy cells in all organs of the body.

In addition to eating healthy, we also need to understand that it means to stop all unhealthy habits such as consuming alcohol and cigarette smoke, etc.. Remember, alcohol damages the liver!

It’s Both Reasons!

Above we looked at two reasons for DHT causing hair loss:

  • More DHT is being produced than normal
  • Our organs responsible for removing excess DHT aren’t effective anymore

In all honestly, it is likely both of these! Most people can’t fathom the idea that hair loss or in this cause, why DHT is all of a sudden so prominent in the body. What we really have is 2 or more possible reasons all collectively causing hair loss.

Many healthy foods can not only help restore a body to a normal operating state, but also prevent excess DHT from the body. I will be discussing this in depth in my ebook and members area.

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