Can Too Much Testosterone Cause Hair Loss?

The question on whether a body with a high amount of testosterone causing hair loss is something many people have wondered.

Testosterone structureHigh testosterone levels are not directly connected to causing Male Pattern Baldness, but they are indirectly. As many already know, the main reason for hair loss is due to DHT which is abbreviated for Dihydrotestosterone.

DHT is known to be produced only by converting testosterone into DHT. The more testosterone your body has, the more DHT your body can produce and release into the blood stream which effects your hair follicles.

It is a reasonable assumption to believe that if we reduce the amount of testosterone, we can also reduce the amount of DHT in the body to prevent hair loss or even grow old hair back. And that may even help. But having regular or even slightly higher testosterone levels than average isn’t the main problem we need to look at. As males, testosterone is a desirable hormone and is essential for many things in our body.

As I discussed before, we really need to look at how to either prevent high amounts of DHT production or to improve our organs proper regulation of the hormone in the blood stream.

I am working on an ebook which will discuss how you can correct these issues with your body using techniques to fix both of these problems. So far it has drastically helped me prevent further hair loss. Please sign up to my newsletter on the left to stay up to date when it is released. Thanks!

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